There is a parent and a child both looking at a cell phone while sitting at a desk.


Parents play a vital role in creating safer schools and communities.  The SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT School Resource Center isn’t just for students. You, as a parent, can submit a confidential tip when you notice unsafe or risky behaviors that might be putting your child, other children or the community in danger. What could be considered risky behavior? Most SUSO tips fall into one of three categories - click a category below to learn more.

Classmate is being bullied icon

A classmate is being bullied or bullying someone else

Watch out for

  1. History of intense anger or resentment. 
  2. Feels abused, harassed, or bullied. 
  3. Lacks supportive family. 
  4. Lacks relationships with positive peers. 
  5. Other factors that suggest need for intervention.

Classmate might hurt themselves icon

A classmate might hurt themselves

Watch out for

  1. History of intense anger or resentment. 
  2. Has grievance or feels treated unfairly. 
  3. Feels abused, harassed, or bullied. 
  4. History of self-injury or suicide ideation or attempts. 
  5. Has been seriously depressed. 
  6. Experienced serious stressful events or conditions.
  7. Substance abuse history. 
  8. History of serious mental illness (symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations).
  9. Special education services not meeting educational needs.
  10. Non-compliance with mental/medical health recommendations.
  11. Substantial decline in level of academic or psychosocial adjustment.
  12. Lacks supportive family. 
  13. Lacks relationships with positive peers. 
  14. Other factors that suggest need for intervention.

Classmate might hurt others

A classmate might hurt others

Watch out for

  1. History of physical violence
  2. History of criminal acts
  3. Preoccupation with violence, violent individuals, or groups that advocate violence.  
  4. Preoccupation with mass shootings or infamous violent incidents.
  5. History of intense anger or resentment. 
  6. Has grievance or feels treated unfairly. 
  7. Feels abused, harassed, or bullied. 
  8. History of serious mental illness (symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations).
  9. Special education services not meeting educational needs.
  10. Lacks positive/trusting relationships with one or more school staff.
  11. Other factors that suggest need for intervention.